Rest in peace Stewey!

Rest in peace Sherbie!

A recent Get Fuzzy comic by Darby Conley (click on it to make it bigger):

Even comic artists who never met Stew sing his praises.
1. Your blog is yours.
You have to realize first and foremost any a-hole with access to a computer can blog. Case in point... me. So you are not unique and you have not reinvented toast. You are the one that ultimately has to be satisfied with what is on your blog since you will read it a few times just to make sure it is post-able. If you're anything like me you will occasionally revisit some of your old posts that were freaking classics and laugh at them for their sheer awesomeness.
2. Content is important.
Some people say focus your blog so you can be "THE" blogger people turn too for info on whatever stupid topic you are "THE" blogger of. That probably works for really incredibly boring people very well. I am sure it is a great strategy if you want to be the guy that makes the stupid cat pictures that make me laugh at 3 am when I am sleep deprived. Or if you want to be all 'News' oriented. I don't read these blogs... I am sure they are very well done or whatever, but news? Really? Can you be any more lame? I tend to write about things that catch my fancy. Like stupid cops or bad laundry users or whatever. Once again the key to content is ultimately you like what you have at your blog. Maybe Bobby Jo in Tuscaloosa does too but do you really freaking care? I mean who names their kid Bobby Jo? What grown individual doesn't just say enough I want to be called Bobby or Joe but not freaking both!
3. Variety Is awesomeness!
Sometimes when you feel you should blog but you really don't have anything to write or express it helps to find some stupid video from the 90's where a guy raps about copyright laws.... then pretend like people really should watch it because you watched it for 30 seconds and laughed.
4. Mockery is the closest thing to godliness.
Sometimes you should blog just to make fun of people; like the Portland police, other bloggers or old people. It helps you feel happy and gives a few people a laugh and one of those few people is you and hell I know a good laugh would do you some good you silly sour puss!
5. Ego is as ego does.
I have no idea what that means and neither did the people who made Forrest Gump say the same thing about stupidness. It means nothing. It's brilliant! Just like you should feel about your own blog about nothing. It's how I feel about my blog about nothing.
This is a pretty funny anti-piracy ad from back in the day. You don't have to watch it all but at least let him spit some game for ya.
There was, as there usually are, some comments after the video but this time one of them was funny so I stole it and I am posting it here:
napyuu (commenter's name)
wow, you see kids,
In the 80's all you had to do was senselessly mash on the keyboard to play a game and magic hip-hop artist would enforce the copyright laws.
Breaking News From KATU: Please use extra caution when outside of our building and note road closures and MAX shutdown.
PORTLAND, Ore. - Bomb-sniffing dogs being used for a TOPOFF exercise in northeast Portland on Thursday detected the real thing, prompting police to cordon off a hotel, close nearby streets and shut down the MAX.
According to Brian Schmautz with the Portland Police Bureau, as officials were doing a sweep of the Doubletree Hotel located near the Lloyd Center, bomb-sniffing dogs got a hit on a vehicle in the vicinity.
There is currently a heavy police presence in the area while police investigate. The TOPOFF exercise scheduled to take place at the hotel has been canceled.
Nearby Benson High School is in lock-out mode and will be for the duration of the school day. Since the MAX is shut down, school buses will be transporting students who normally take a train home to alternate MAX platforms away from the Lloyd Center area.
From KATU: Please find an update to the earlier news story.
.........Police immediately cordoned off the area so they could investigate. They later discovered that the dogs had detected traces of explosives in police and military vehicles that were involved in the exercise that was being staged. The bomb residue is something common in those type of vehicles.
Crews are working to give the all clear. Meanwhile, MAX service remains shut down between the Rose Quarter and the Hollywood District. TriMet is offering bus service to get people around.