Well it was annual talk like a pirate day yesterday.... and I missed it. Even after this blog entry! I am sorely disappointed in myself! 40 lashes with a cat of nine tails for me! Landlubbbers beware this is no place for ye! Ok I think I feel better now.
At work I am counting down the days. When I told them I was quitting, the district supervisor cut my hours by 12 hours! I was like "Wow! Can we say petty!" So not real happy about that. My manager, the one that is excited for me and pissed at me at the same time is hooking me up with 6 hours so in the long run I only lose 6. My manager is awesome. Swab the deck! Sorry the pirate lingo is popping out, it is all due to having missed my day. Anyway the week at work is dragging along. I am ready for it to be over and for me to be moving on! It is only 3 more days I keep repeating like a mantra. I should get a big gong and sing the only 3 more days thing and hit the gong between each time. It would be like the gregorian chants ecpt it would be the mikeorian chant.
I recently updated the webpage. You should check it out Crazedlunatikdesigns.com. Then you should email me at crazedlunatik@gmail.com to tell me what you think of the new picture and color scheme.
In semi related news I did a redesign on my ninjashredz design. I am looking for a few inspired suggestions to take what I have and turn it from a paragraph of cleverness into a sentence or two of wittyness! If someone can help I will buy them a shirt from my various stores of their choosing. Email me at crazedlunatik@gmail.com
I have a large Ode to Stewey tshirt up for grabs to the next person who emails me something site related. It can be spelling errors, blog comments, critiques, or even a picture for me to post. Just relate it to the site and you will get a free shirt! Once again the size is Large so if you can fit it or you know someone to give it to get emailing now!
Aye Matie:
16 men in a dead man's tux!
Love your baby blue eyes on the web site they are exactly the same as
they were 28 years ago as a cute little babe.
Shiver me timbers!
ps do I get claim the booty the shirty??
Hi mom! You are the lucky winner. Congratulations!
I have had the same eyes for 28 years? SO the first year of my life my eyes were a different color? What color were they? You see I am 29 and turning 30 in May.
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