So far I have a total of four nominees and three of those made their own categories. Here are the categories as they stand.
Paying Your Bills Award
Dale W
Bad Music Lover Award
Glenn S
The Night Snorer Award
Maryann S
Daily Showering Award
Pete S
Categories I had suggested are:
Chewing Your Food Thoroughly Award
Opening Your Mail Award
Going To Work Award
Answering The Phone Award
Deleting Spam Emails Award
Best Excuse Used To Not Be At Work Award
These awards are still open but if you have a better one just let me know and I will bump things a bit. I am capping the awards to ten total categories so right now only 4 are set and there are six more available. A category needs one nominee to be real but the next six new award nominees will be the ones to set the categories. Don't forget you can nominate yourself for the four categories already with one nomination. You do not have to make a new one up. The final nominees will be announced March 9th and the contest will be held a month after that so I can make the final decision. Or figure out the awards... whichever you want to believe.
I want to let all nominees now that I expect you to be ready with an acceptance speech in case you end up winning.
I'm boycotting your awards "show." It is just to commercial and self-indulged... But don't forget to send my swag bag!
You know you are doing something right when you have boycotts! Yes! Oh and NO SWAG FOR YOU!
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