Thursday, May 17, 2007

Long Days

Well this week started out weird. My desk mate at work Crystal (She was mentioned during the RTA 2007 ceremony as a nominee), came in about midday on Monday and tendered her resignation. It was not totally out of the blue. She had become increasingly irritated with some of the stat counting that had become the focus of the job. Even though the interview consisted of them telling us how stats aren't that big of a deal as long as you take care of your customer. That wasn't the only reason she quit but I am sure it helped make the decision for her. She has some serious family stuff going on right now and wanted to have time to take care of things properly. The whole problem is that now I am the only one in my row and I am dying of boredom. The evil company also cracked down on drawing, reading and any other activity between calls so I don't even have the relief of drawing during my increasingly lengthening wait times. I am bouncing off the walls! The sad thing is this week I am spending half of my time in training and the other half on the phones. Once training is over I will be taking calls in our new system and I will not have long wait times but I still need something to make the day tolerable again. Stupid no drawing rule! Stupid no neighbor having area! At least next week we get back in the class room for 4 full days instead of 1 full day and 3 half days. Training has the benefit of neighbors to keep me occupied. Anyway this week has seemed really long. I can not wait until this time tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Try to persevere (sp?) and don't do anything drastic... Haven't heard any info on the new apartment search?

Unknown said...

I am persevering. I am just bitching a little that's all. I get the luxury of the next two weeks only being on the phone on Mondays and Mondays are usually super busy and I don't have time to be bored.

The apartment search is not going so good. I have looked at a few places that were close to the price range I want and they either have no one bedrooms available or the apartments in my price range end up being really small. I am going to look at 2 more today.