To prove I have been painting I will share a few of them with you:

This is actually the painting my mom now owns. Looks a little cooler without the flash all over it. In case you are curious it's acrylic.

This one is watercolor and actually my 3rd watercolor. I have found that I prefer acrylics and oil to watercolor because they are easier to cover up mistakes with. IN case anyone is an oil paint expert I have a question for you. If you spill oil paint in your carpet and you got most of it out with paint thinner, how can you get the rest out? In case you are wondering I am buying a tarp this next paycheck.
I wanted to share a picture that was pretty cool of an ad campaign. Nationwide put a wall scape on their office building in Ohio and it is pretty eye catching. Check it out, click on it to make it bigger.

There are 3 cars with paint on them the wall scape spills into the parking lot. It is really pretty cool. Does it sell the product? Well with the 3 cars covered I think it does....
Super Quick Movie Reviews:
The Illusionist - Usual Suspects with magic and olden time nonsense
Rome Season 1 - Uh..... Well Caeser dies... did he really die that soon after gaining power? It was like a few months. Why is he famous again? Is it just because he died at the hands of 'Friends'? Well now I know why it is called Rome and not Caeser.
Avatar Season 1 - Totally awesome. A great cartoon series.
Avatar Season 2 - Still awesome, great characters!
Pan's Labyrinth - Creepy and a bit of a downer but pretty amazing at the same time.
Stomp The Yard - Not very good but still pretty entertaining. I loved the sliding on the head thing even if they showed it in every commercial for this movie.
Thank You For Smoking - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Brilliant! Made me want to be a lobbyist.
Night At The Museum - Good times! Very amusing, like a huge 'Indian in the Cupboard'.
Eragon - Oh no! How quickly can we stomp out interest in a book? Let's make a supercrappy movie very loosely based on it and then people will go see Shrek 45 instead of reading.
Marie Antoinette - Let's have a 2 hour 1980's synth-rock music video about someone famous and then lets skip the beheading (the best part)! Oh and let's leave everything up to artistic interpretation and not really tell a story. People need big picture books to understand things.
Notes On A Scandal - Can we say "Gave up before it started!"?
Deja Vu - Holy crap! Really good movie I didn't even know existed. Denzel Washington is a seen it all ATF agent who gets a chance to change the recent past. Very well done, very engaging. I didn't even paint during this one.
The Purple Rose of Cairo - Holy Hannah could this end any crappier??? BOOO WOODY ALLEN!!! BOO!! I think you suck! I hope you fall off a pier into a great white shark's mouth, one that makes Jaws look tiny! I hope Nessie attacks you while you visit Loch Ness, then spits you out, and then I hope you get your movie making license revoked and someone makes a career of following you around and mocking you. Jerk! Stupid dumb unfunny hack. If you think he is funny you are probably at least in your 50's.... and if you aren't I bet no one likes you and you never get to join in any reindeer games.
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