IT'S OCTOBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woohoo! I love October. I have no idea why. It might be the whole halloween thing, or the constant excuse to watch horror flicks, or my memories of being a haunted house spook, or the feeling that it's ok to carry around a big bag of little bags of candy. It really doesn't matter in all reality but I really like October. I am going pumpkin picking next Saturday! Yay! Which of course means pumpkin carving! Pumpkin seed roasting too! I also like that the season changes. The leaves are all starting to turn and I am wearing a fuzzy jacket outside. I love wearing fuzzy jackets! The weather is chilly enough to bundle up in the mornings and evenings here and it is great. I think I am going to go buy a bunch of hot chocolate and hot apple cider packets! Woo! It makes me wonder what other parts of the year make other people feel unnaturally giddy. I mean something besides summer. I think everyone feels like stripping to their skivvies and going down to a watering hole and playing the days away when summer hits. So I guess I don't really see looking forward to the summer as being realistic. Actually now that I think of it I love living where seasons change because every change makes me all excited. Even when the sun stops coming out and it never warms up (otherwuse known as winter) I like that change. Although not as much as summer to fall.
I suddenly feel like walking again. I like being outside in the colder time periods. I walk faster and I use my headphones as earmuffs and I just get going. I like kicking leaves. I always find myself wishing I had some big plans for Halloween that involved getting dressed up and handing out treats or taking someone to get treats. It's funny but I miss that more then the wild ragers we had in college. I like the idea of getting free candy and being one of the people that hands out the free candy. Free candy is a very good thing. Unfortunately my experience with apartment living is no one comes by and you end up eating all the candy yourself and sometimes you end up being sick for like a week after Halloween because of your constant candy intake. That is kind of fun too. I like the post sugar binge mornings where any food makes you feel ill just by glancing at it and some jerk decides the day after Halloween is a good day to bring in donuts. It's like vowing never to drink again after one of those long ago Halloween ragers.... only to end up having another drink that very afternoon when you think the worst had passed and starting the cycle all over again. I do that now with the Halloween candy... let me tell you those sugar hangovers are pretty hard to shake. See your taste buds still crave the sweet but your tummy will not allow it. Some people's minds can't let them even imagine eating sugary goodness either but mine is too busy thinking up little stories for my comics to pay attention to my tummy or my tastebuds...
Anyway Happy October!
Fall is also my favorite time of the year. It makes me want to go camping and have a fire.
OOOOHHH! Good idea..... of course those fires are perfect for roasting mashmallows for smores!
Just thought I would let you know - ASU is 6-0!!!
I am very aware of that. Woo! Go Devils!
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