It is abominable to think that we as everyday working folk would ever dare to side with the pigs at the top. If you used to be a hippie and you sold your soul for an Audi and a 6 figure income I am willing to bet you are not reading this. If you are..... maybe you should do some work for that 6 figure income instead of reading my blog on the companies dime. Anyway back to my point. Most Americans go to work everyday and strive to make ends meet, don't let anyone fool you into believing otherwise. There are the lucky few who are vile enough to succeed in business and those that go on to 'great' political endeavors. A few have a gift with a sport and some have a gift that is more artistic and harder to define. Successful and highly paid writers, that every executive at the networks wants you to believe are the only ones out there, are actually not that prominent. That is why you know the high paid people's names. The other thing is if the company that produces it makes a mint off it and the people that act in it do as well, why shouldn't the freaking writer or writers make some cash too? It only makes total sense, without them we would have nothing to view. I have always known it was hard to write but this month has driven that point home. Ask me why I have never finished anything. Because sometimes it gets harder when the end is in sight and sometimes you give up before you actually ever see that end. Check my prior post 'Nanowrimo Crisis #2' out if you do not believe me. I think those that actors have something to do, say and feel so I can sit down and watch it need to get paid. Regardless of how I decided to view that particular show, be it online (legally I stopped doing the illegal thing in case you are the RIAA), on TV or from the video store. I hope the strike is resolved in the writer's favor very soon. If not I hope all of the people that think writers are whiny lay abouts realize that nothing but reruns for the rest of time will totally suck. Can you imagine them recycling the movie 'Space Truckers', new actors and just slightly changed dialogue? Don't know the movie, google it and you will thank the heavens that you never saw it (even if I kind of liked it and watched it more then once but hey it was on HBO). I am just trying to get you to envision a horrible dreck filled universe.
Here is the other thing that bugs me about the strike, some people who have griped to me about the writer strike are the same people who support the ball player strikes on the grounds that the freaking higher ups need to spread some greenbacks to those that pack the seats. It is the same thing. The writers provide the dialogue, be it good or bad, for the actors to say. Without it they might make up there own stuff to say. Have you seen most of these idiots be interviewed before? I may be a wee bit into Lindsay Lohan, cocaine problem or not, but do I really want her deciding what her character is all about (so like my character feels like drinking and doing drugs and then driving recklessly... Yay me, I'm Lindsay Freakin' Lohan)? Not really!
Ps.... Sorry Lindsay. You have been my fall gal of the day. I really like watching your movies... I am not sure if it is just because I like you or the movies. Don't do nose candy anymore it is bad for you.
Strikes are bogus and unions suck. They actually drive up the cost of the finally product. the Industrial Revolution was the only time having unions made any sense...
Actually... the companies will probably raise the amount they charge regardless. I mean hello how much did you pay for your last burnable dvd? So what is actually going to happen is the strike will be resolved and every rental will double in price yet the only thing the writer cost the company is 4 freaking cents more per rental....
So yeah... the cost probably will go up but it shouldn't.
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