Thursday, January 10, 2008

Jobs are awesome!

As I started out the new year I was looking forward to getting back to school and feeling pretty nervous about that endeavor. I was wondering how much free time I would have and how I would pay for school while I was in and how to pay the loans when I was done. I even worried about the student teaching that ends the degree program. I was worried about my schooling and I was only focused on that. Maybe that was why I was blind sighted today by a new development. I might have been unprepared for it but I was not surprised when it happened. In fact there are several blog entries regarding the events of today possibly happening in the future. I was just hoping for it wouldn't and I would have enough time to get nearly through school.....

Today at work they pulled everyone off the phones at work and let us know our jobs would be over by June. Yeah we are being laid off.... Like I said I was not without suspicions but I had let my guard down and was envisioning working with this company to see me through the next 2 years of schooling. I just wanted something I was already used to and I wanted to have one thing on my resume that showed long term ability. I also had been watching them get everyone trained to take calls on the new system and thought that with the cost of training they were making a long term commitment... maybe a year or even two. And I may have been feeling a little trapped lately but I could see a light at the end of the tunnel. I could see daylight and I felt like it was do-able. Now the tiny cave has been bombed and all I see is daylight but now I see a huge hole in the floor with a bunch of sharp jagged edges waiting below....

Hahaha yeah. So was I just saying the cave was too dark for me to see the dangerous hole or is the hole a new development as a result of the bombing? I don't know I only come up with the words, I can not possibly be expected to define them or explain their true meaning. Or can I?

Anyway so I have been trying to figure out the answer to "Now what?" I have several ideas but not very many of them are ones I am overly excited about. I did not want to be back on the job hunt circuit, I hate looking for jobs because interviews suck! I think at the moment I am just going to spend tomorrow (I luckily had it as a planned day off) and the weekend dealing with school and regrouping to go back to work and resume my normal job on Monday. That is my temporary plan.... I am just going to hang in there for now. In case you are reading this Mark... See you Monday :)

I may hang in there until June and that is an idea I am completely ok with. However I have my ear to the streets and I am not letting anything pass without picking it up shaking it and seeing what it has to offer.

The day started off interestingly, I had a cup of coffee from home that I had poured too much flavored creamer into and it was so sweet it made my stomach turn. So I was not drinking the stupid thing and I needed it because I was exhausted. So I was taking calls and handling a lot of follow up work when it got near my break time. I told a co-worker that I wanted to join him on his daily coffee jaunt and we headed down the street to a little coffee shop in a nearby office building. We were bs'n about school (he's in school too) and what not as we made the trip. When we walked back in we saw an empty call center.... my co-worker turned to me and said I think we just got laid off. We were approached and told by a supervisor to join everyone in a large conference room. When we entered, the meeting was going on already and a big wig I had never seen before was talking to everyone. He turned it over to someone I was familiar with and she laid it out for us. Sorta. They told us in a lot of words that we were toast and then assured us it was not due to our performance. Well yeah I could have told them that... If it was due to performance we would be guaranteed our jobs! Yeah I am saying there are a lot of people in other locations that tend to make my work harder... I am told this by the customers and other agents in local offices on a weekly basis. I do try to do what is right for the customers I deal with and the company as well. In fact just yesterday I bent over backwards to help a guy out and he said I was a great reason he would recommend the company to friends... Hey dude they just got rid of a reason! Anyway they fed us lunch (which was nice)and I had my 'shut up and deal' roast beef sandwich meal. I ended up not feeling very hungry and ate a few bites and the cookie oly which let me know I was stressed. I was not sure I was but apparently I am since my tummy is still upset. I did not take another call for the rest of the day. I was not sure I could provide the customers with the service they may or may not deserve and like I said I want to have the option of staying here until the end. So I made a decision to just call it a day on helping people. I was hanging in there at work for a meeting they promised in the big meeting and then that meeting had no answers except that they will get answers for us later. It was a great thing to stick around for... and that is definitely sarcasm. When I finally got home I crashed. It had been one hell of a day.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Yeah... at least we know.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your losing your job. I've been in that predicament before! There's three ways to look at it, in my opinion: as an ending, a beginning to something new or both. Here's to rebirth in a New Year. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Suzy
I think it will be a good change ultimately but right now it is inconvenient.