I am at work on a Saturday Morning.... and writing this on my morning break. I hate being at work on a Saturday. Especially when I have to go from here to class... I will not be home again until 5:30. Shouldn't I still be curled up in my bed in a niice warm blanket? Well I think I should! Stupid working on Saturday!!
Speaking of work, they are giving us goal sharing and a raise.... Yeah a raise! I was astonished when I found this out. I do not try to understand the darker depths of the corporate psyche. I am just pocketing the extra ten bucks a paycheck or whatever it breaks down to be. I could figure the exact amount out but I find that I am not all that interested. I may find it interesting one day in the future if I need something to think about besides the copious amounts of school related reading. The other shocker was the awarding of goal share. They spelled it out for us in a meeting last year that we had two goals to hit in order to get goal sharing. As far as I can tell we were way off on the growth portion of the goals. Once again I am just taking the money and not inquiring further. Some call it blood money since they axed a whole bunch of people but I feel no guilt considering the side of the axe I was on. To tell you the truth I would not have felt guilty either way.
Even with these positives I would rather still be asleep on a Saturday morning...
They are laying you off but giving you a raise???
Exactly! I have no clue why they are giving me a raise when they will be laying me off in June but I will take the extra dough....
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cDearest Webcam,
Thank you for your heartfelt comments and the hugs. That made me feel fan-freaking-tastic! I looked at your site but it is not in English so i don't get it. So you sell webcams? On and I was not sure what you meant when you said "If possible gives a last there on my blog". So I decided to not do anything.
Your new best friend, Mike
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