Some of you may be wondering about my last post. I thought I would clear up some issues that have been brought up.
1. Did they really ask that with 2 weeks left? Yes they really did ask some people to stay longer. They are incompetent.... sounds like a great way for an insurance company to act, no?
2. Were you asked? I was one of the unwanted people that were not asked. I was not brought into any room and I thought I was fairly clear about this when I said: "Then there were those that shouldn't know. The undesirables that were never asked. Guess what, WE KNOW."
I figured the use of the word "WE" when the rest of the blog said "some people" was a very apparent and blatant clue. Apparently it was only blatant for me because I wrote the stupid blog. Live and learn I guess
3. Why weren't you asked? Well to tell you the truth there is no "official" story... I figure it was because I got written up though.
(the italics are internal dialogue which you can skip or read and laugh at)
4. You were written up? Yes I was written up which is why I just said I was written up in the answer to the last question...... have you considered moving to San Antonio? If so I have a fantastic company for you to apply for... your lack of observation skills would be perfect for this company I know of... (I hope you get what I am alluding to here)
5. What are you alluding to? The company I am being laid off from is run by people that are not very good at figuring things out. The company has also set up shop in San Antonio. I am suggesting those that have issues figuring things out have something in comon with the company I am leaving. I am also suggesting the company and you need to work together because you are a shoo-in for upper management.... In case you missed it I am being mean.
6. Who exactly are you talking to when you are insulting your audience? No one in particular. In fact every answer I give springs more questions in my head... so if anything this is all an elaborate rouse to insult myself. What do you think of that Freud Jr.?
7. Who is Freud Jr.? Apparently the part of my mind that has an eternal well of stupid questions waiting to be sprung has a name.
8. Why? I am not talking to you anymore...
The real question 4. So what were you written up for? I had a little disagreement with an agent over how he could speak to me. I thought he was beng rude and disconnected the call. He thought that was rude and the company agreed... so I was written up.
5. Why did you hang up? Is that how you normally handle irate customers? Honestly? Well I wish I could do that to everyone who is rude. In all honesty, that is what they deserve.... there is no justification for reaming someone. But for some odd reason people seem to believe it is acceptable to blow up. Maybe they believe the old adage that "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." The thing is usually the loudest and most obnoxious person does get the attention they desire but why should those that yell get the exceptions. I think sane, calm people should get the breaks. That is how I have always thought and attempted to work. Those that yelled at me had an uphill battle. Those that were calm, rational and polite were given all the breaks I could get away with. Normally those that yell get the "I shall not be moved" side of me. They usually have to go around me to get things accomplished. I usually dig in and hold my stance. The day the agent called I was tired. This job does that, it wears on you but pre-layoffs I would rejuvenate. Post-layoff's I am more like stone being worn away by the Colorado river. My tolerances have lowered and people get more and more exasperating as the last day continues to get closer. This agent caught me on a bad day and instead of arguing I "sent him to the disconnect que". This was a decision I regreted almost immediately and it was also a decision that nearly ended my career earlier then expected.
The company likes to "keep customers happy" and to do that they usually allow themselves to be walked over. Wait.... no they allow their customer service agents to get walked on. They require us to hold a line that they arbitrarily set and we do that and we hear all kinds of fun things because of these policies. Then, after we have said: "I am sorry this is company policy and we can not bend the rules. The rules are the same for everyone!" the company flips the decision and makes us look like morons or worse. They, and hundreds of other companies, are what allows cusomers to actually believe "the customer is always right." The reality is that the customer is usually wrong.
6. Ok I am tired of your soap box! Did anyone (that was asked) say yes to staying? Actually there were 6 people that either said yes or maybe.
7. Is that enough to keep them open? Well I guess it was because they were going to. Then at least 2 people changed their minds and the bottom fell out of that plan.
8. Does that make you feel vindicated? Not really I figure the 4 that said yes to such an awful plan did so for a reason. I wish those 4 even more luck then I do the others during this lay off. Even if I had not been declared unacceptable I would not have taken such an offer. I felt it was not only an insult to the employees to ask but also a really lousy thing to do to someone after telling them for 6 months that they are expendable. Apparently the company sees their employees as salivating dogs that they can toy with, the extra 3 months was a chicken bone they through to us to gobble. Not caring that chicken bones splinter and have hurt and even killed dogs.... What I am saying is I think they have no regard for people's emotional or physical welfare. I think they see us as product to be moved around and I do not like that much. So yeah I am also a little glad this last ditch attempt to demoralize human beings failed.
I had to comment to this because this is the 2nd time - or perhaps the 3rd time, I've been told that one of us has been written up because an agent was verbally abusive. I just don't understand why agents in the agency setting are treated as customers rather than representatives of the insurance company...? We're told over and over that we're supposed to work as a team...Why aren't THEY told that? Gosh...
~ Betty
I am one of the oh so called "chosen ones" to stay beyond the closure date.. I feel so horribly for those that were not offered...and I understand why many, who were asked, declined such an offer. I, myself, do not have the resources to decline such an offer..(I have 5 kids and a house payment).. Now, I have heard that the offer is probably rescinded...(I'll find out Monday for sure..aye?).. but on a good note, NW GAS called me on Saturday, did a phone interview, and I am supposed to take an assessment test I can only hope/pray/cast a spell/or have our unit wiccan gal do that for me..(tee hee) - that this all works out, and I don't have to sell my pony..(You would LOVE my pony.. She's actually a miniature horse).
Well don't feel bad for me I would have said no if they had offered anyway. I can understand why most that said yes said yes. I have heard that the offer has been rescinded and I am sure that my sources are good. Sorry about that Betty. I hope the NW Gas thing works out.
Just (please) keep blogging with your current sense of humor! (I liked your description of likening us employees to salivating dogs ...NOT that I want to be a salivating dog, but hey... ).
Oh you need to check out this site Robin H. showed me. It's called: ...She says whatever you post there is copyrighted, but I'm not quite sure how that works...Anyhow, you get paid for submissions by people voting for your work ..Once you reach $20,they send you a check.. Okay, so $20 is not much, but it's kinda a neat site to see different styles of writings..and to see what people think of yours...
~ Betty
Well thanks. I may look into that site when my day is not taken up by silly work!
question 9. what?
I especially thought it was distasteful when they said, we'll pay for your moving expenses to move to SA and maintain current sallary. Or when they said, they'll cover our benefits for an additional 6 months, or when they said if we maintain our stats they'll give us a $500 bonus. Or when they said, if we let them mess with us until the very end we won't lose a random family member to a chinese throwing star only to be chopped into 6 pieces, eaten by pigs, who are then slaughtered and fed to other pigs to make sure there is no evidence. And then end up with a huge "We changed our minds. Sorry for the inconvenience"
Hmm... the only part that sounds like the company I work for is feeding the family member to the pigs....
Oh, my goodness.
Again, so happy I am not part of that mess. At all. But hey, there is a silver lining- only two weeks to go.
Oh, and Betty is right- she does need that income with the children and all. The thing is she is tens times better than many people there, more competent han the supervisors and very quick witted. She will find a job that worthy of her.
Yeah.... well we will all be done with them soon enough. I have not been doing any work today if that is any consolation!
So has the offical D-day come for you? Or are there a few days left?
No I am still jumping through hoops like a trained dog until June 27th. Today and Tuesday are the last 2 phone days though.... not that I have taken many calls....
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