Monday, June 16, 2008

A weekend to remember (or Why I want a Wii)

I hope you all had a fantastic Father's Day weekend. I did.... and I even had a big test I had to take. So you know the weekend had a lot to improve for.

My pop came up Friday for a weekend of Father's Day fun! We went to a sushi place that he saw while shopping at IKEA (pronounced icky-uh). They had a happy hour where everything on the rotating track was only a dollar. We ate a lot of things that we may never have tried but it was fun. Then we went looking for a Nintendo Wii because my dad really wanted one after he had played with a grandson in December. The first place we tried did not have one, We hit paydirt at the second place and when we walked out of there we had the Wii, an extra controller (the Wii only comes with 1) and I had bought him an extra game. We did not hook it up because I needed to study for the CBEST test the next morning.

The next morning (after a night of restless sleep) I headed to the University of Portland to take my test. It seemed easier then I had been expecting but I will not really know for sure until the unofficial results are posted June 30th. If you have not had the pleasure of taking the CBEST let me explain it for you. There are three sections: reading, math and writing. The reading and math are multiple choice andf the writing is an essay. I spent a lot of time studying the math because I am rusty and I was a fraid they would expect me to remember formulas. They do.... if I had not reviewed geometry I would be S.O.L. (stuck or lost). The writing consists of writing two essays.... one was a persuasive essay and the other was a personal narrative. They give you 4 hours to complete the entire test and I took 2 hours and 40 minutes.

After the test I headed back home where my dad had set up the Wii. When I came in he wanted me to try out bowling with him. (in case you are not aware the Wii requires you to mimic the motions of what is happening on screen so except for the lack of dorky shoes and a heavy ball you are actually bowling). Anyway I was hooked and wanted to try out more games except both of us were starving and we needed to consume food. So we headed to Old Chicago and had pizza and beer. I love pizza and beer! Then we talked about all kinds of things to do which included getting some dressers from a friend..... and instead ended up back at home playing the Wii. I tried out boxing and tennis. Boxing was very physical and I was sweating and tired after 4 fights. The tennis was fun and physical as well but I was not dead tired after doing that. Then we hooked up the game I bought him, Super Smash Bros. Much to my disappointment this was more like a normal game and involved no jumping, punching or weaving what so ever. It was fun but the Wii is much more fun when you are hopping around looking like an idiot. Then it was dinner time so we stopped playing and headed to the sushi joint again. That place is awesome!

We walked around the shopping area surrounding the sushi place because it was sunny and once again talked about what to do that evening. We entertained the idea of riding the max and heading downtown but my dad did not seem terribly motivated so we ended up back at home. We tried out baseball, golf and the third disc of games which included the funniest game ever. It involved cow racing.... cows that were super fast and could jump. It was completely ridiculous! I continued my boxing career and manged 4 knock outs and one win by decision before I was too tired to continue that. Then it was time to callit a night and I was out like a light. The next morning we went for breakfast at the Daily and returned home where I convinced my dad to play baseball, bowling and tennis as a 2 player game. We were evenly matched for the baseball and bowling but my dad needs a little work on his tennis game. Then he packed up (I attempted to use a jedi mind trick to convince him to leave the Wii behind but it failed) and then we headed to Barnes and Noble. We read for quite a while and then he ended up needing to go home so we had a late lunch at Noodles and he left. I walked from Noodles to the max station and hopped on the rail and rode to the max station near my house.

I met up with my roommate and we watched the basketball game before heading to Harold and Kumar Rscape from Guantanamo Bay.... which was very funny. It was not appropriate at all but it was funny.

Anyway I have come to the conclusion that I need a Wii and at the same time I have realized a Wii would be bad. Time evaporated while I played it and even though I was very active it still kept me indoors a lot on a fantastic weekend. I have way too much homework to do at this time and the Wii would only derail my educational endeavors. I think the Wii is something I will get some time after this class where I have to write huge and excessively long papers. I also feel the Wii is something I should get when I am not about to be laid off..... It was super fun though. I am having detachment problems and I keep wishing I was boxing imainary foes instead of arguing with irate customers.... stupid work and all that working I have to do!


Anonymous said...

I had to comment to this because this is the 2nd time - or perhaps the 3rd time, I've been told that one of us has been written up because an agent was verbally abusive. I just don't understand why agents in the agency setting are treated as customers rather than representatives of the insurance company...? We're told over and over that we're supposed to work as a team...Why aren't THEY told that? Gosh...
~ Betty
I am one of the oh so called "chosen ones" to stay beyond the closure date.. I feel so horribly for those that were not offered...and I understand why many, who were asked, declined such an offer. I, myself, do not have the resources to decline such an offer..(I have 5 kids and a house payment).. Now, I have heard that the offer is probably rescinded...(I'll find out Monday for sure..aye?).. but on a good note, NW GAS called me on Saturday, did a phone interview, and I am supposed to take an assessment test I can only hope/pray/cast a spell/or have our unit wiccan gal do that for me..(tee hee) - that this all works out, and I don't have to sell my pony..(You would LOVE my pony.. She's actually a miniature horse).

Unknown said...
