Wasn't that the most interesting review of a weekend I have ever done?
Anyways I have some news.
Kevin K admitted he secretly loves the Bee Gee's.
Doug and Amber had their twin girls this last week and they are super cute.
I am apartment hunting but currently have had no luck.
And that is the news.
i do not love the bee gees. any attempt to tarnish my reputation as having an affection for the bee gees is a slander against all that is right and holy. i denounce such people as would make such reckless accusations and stuff.
just kidding. they were kind of pimp back in the day. think r kelly, but white, and with froes.
You big ol' disco lover! You are a Disco lovin' Queen!
R Kelly? So they made sex tapes...
Wasn't that what that movie 8mm was about?
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