Monday, January 26, 2015

Small Cans

I have not posted in a while and I was wondering why not. I seem to have gotten away from using this to talk about life. While I am not super eager to convert this back into a diary I feel that I need to have the variability to talk about daily life, frustrations, successes, challenges, achievements and just random crap. I will post my writing here as well, for a while. I am looking into moving my writing elsewhere. If I do I will make an announcement. Until then...

I came home and decided to have a snack. I grabbed some edamame and threw them in the micro. Then I grabbed a can of Coke. I became a huge fan of Coke and peanut butter during my year abroad. The Coke made a lot of sense because I would get an ice cold bottle of Coke and drink it as I walked home from the local tienda. It felt so good in contrast to the sweltering heat of the day. It made the walk worth it. The peanut butter ended up being a comfort food and I would eat it when I felt homesick.

The thing about having a Coke now is I am not walking a couple miles a day any longer. It is not a great choice or nearly as satisfying as it once was. The craving has not left though. I have a dilemma in front of me. I am not ready to give up on Coke again but I also found I do not need a 20 oz bottle or a 12 oz can. I don't want that much... thank goodness they make the little cans! 7.75 oz is just about perfect. I get done and wish I had another sip but I can live with not having one. It kills that desire when it crops up. I do try to avoid drinking one a day. I try to space them and I am usually successful. Thanks for the concern...

The little cans happen to have an even bigger benefit. You can pretend to be an abnormally large sized human. A giant of the Andre the Giant ilk. You can say silly things and rhyme other people's words. You can talk about your way not being very sportsmanlike. It is awesome! Everytime I grab a small can I pretend to be a giant in a world of tiny people. You know, instead of a large guy in a world of other large people.

Yes... I do still pretend. It is not my fault you chose to grow up.