Friday, February 29, 2008

And it comes to this....

Do you ever notice that when anyone feels the need to say "I am not a racist but..." means not only that they are racist but due to the disclaimer they feel unloading a bunch of garbage is acceptable? I have always been amazed by that. I hear things similar to it at work. Things like "You do understand that I'm not mad at you, right? I am just mad at..." and of course that is said while they are yelling at you and saying "YOU PEOPLE". I am not sure who they are mad at but it certainly seems like me. My favorite is "I'm not saying you're a liar but..." Today I had one come out in an email at work that was right up there. First let me say that some points were valid. That point being that if we continue to show up to work until the end of June we should expect to do some work and to do it according to their rules. I get it and I am working on it. I don't know if they recall but this stupid company told us we were not worth the money they paid us so by my estimate they have to figure that message may mess with our motivation a bit. I guess supervisors also have to do their jobs as well and I guess that is why this particular email was sent out. I have the stupid thing and I am tempted to post it here but I want to continue to be able to go to work for a while and figure I am rocking the boat enough. Hopefully not too much but who ever accused me of being timid and following a cautious line? Anyway the line that set me off was this: "There is no campaign to fire anyone or everyone, we just...." That in combination with "These resources are going to feed back to us information...." seemed pretty bad. What exacly do you need all this plotting and observing 'resources' for if this is not a campaign to fire people? I guess the message is 'big brother is watching' so shape up. Welcome to 1984! Yay.

It was sufficiently vague enough so everyone thinks 'do they mean me?' and I guess they very well might. The whole we aren't telling those doing their jobs aspect when they are clearly telling the whole team may suggest they are bringing everyone in line. The thing about it was that the only thing it did was derail people more. Going to a job with no future and maintaining positivity is challenging but to vaguely threaten everyone regardless if you are included seems stupid and demotivating at best. I understand that the goal is for them to make it until the advertised end but give me a break. If you have an issue with me speak to me and if you have an issue with someone else leave me out of it! It seems simple enough...


Edie Spencer said...


You see, like I said in another forum, they don't care. Really. Sure, I am sure there were valid points ( but frankly, not our group at all) but really, the email was emphasise very nothingness of you being there. We are a 'waste' an 'expediture' and one does not spend time on expenditures. We are only as good as until the Powers That Be (tm) are able to expand the newer centers.

M. has a job to do, and I am very sure that any remaining supervisors has headquarters breathing down their necks- thus the BS sent out to us. Huzzah.

One thing- it clarifies why you are becoming a teacher, if to avoid this crap inthe future and do somehing equally as aggravating but much more rewarding.

Unknown said...

I agree with all that. My point was just that for those that either were in line or coming back into line a message like that only helps people to disconnect. Do they want us to work had or what? It sounds to me like they may be trying to get people to quit.... well I need another job first!