Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Hello all,
Sorry I have been MIA for a while. I have been busy and lazy all at the same time. So anyway school was interesting on Saturday. I walked in and discovered we had an assignment due. First day and a paper is due. I was a wee bit miffed. Luckily the teacher was understanding and allowed the small group of us that were not in the loop to turn in the paper the following day. I wrote a 2 page paper about why I had decided on this major. I had to trim it a bit because I was just getting going and I realized I had hit the word maximum. The first class seems really easy but I figure they are focusing on teaching you how to use this 'Flexnet' system. The students have all sorts of backgrounds and age ranges so you can not expect everyone to know how to use the system. Even though it is easy it has a lot of busy work associated with it so the class has kept me pretty busy. In fact I will be logging on and participating after I get done blathering to you.

As far as job hunt news goes I had my second interview for a position with another insurance company on Monday and hope to hear positive news from them by the end of next week. Since I do not believe in pinning all hopes in one place I set up my resume on two of the main job search sites. I have sent resumes to several jobs already and hope to hear some positive news that results in me getting out of the current dead end. The dead end is a battle to make it through every day and I can't wait until I have another place to go to.

This weekend my father is coming up for the Blazer vs. Knicks game. My roommate, dad and I are going to it Friday night. We get to boo former Blazer Zach Randolph. Yay!

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